Production of design-blocks thanks to a new machine
Production of design-blocks thanks to a new machine
At the end of 2016, our machine park was extended by a new machine specialized to the production of design-blocks Licrete including its accessories.
New Prague company Gravelli introduced its new unique concrete bricks. These bricks are transparent for light due to plexiglass spots.
The production of Licrete blocks took off due to new vertical machining center MCV 750. Newly developed machine allowed us to modernize the production and extend our production capabilities.
We managed to get a donation in program “Inovace”
In cooperation with students from VUT Brno, who introduced a study of a new assembly line in their diploma thesis, we managed to get a donation from European fund for regional development. Project “Inovace” helped us to develop the assembly line and make it operable.

Designová tvárnice Licrete vyrobená na nové obráběcím stroji.
Program Name: Inovace – Inovační projekt – Výzva I
Project Name: Inovace ve společnosti DMT Jelinek s.r.o.
Project Nr.: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_014/0000301
Brief description of the project:
Subject of the project is production of Licrete blocks including its accessories. Accessories are defined as a form, which is always part of the provided technology. The assembly line is designed for production of an innovative constructional product. The product is made of concrete and transparent parts. Several technologies will be purchased for the project.
1. Phase
The project is divided into sup phases. Delivery of vertical machining center was realized during 2016.
Project will be finished: 31. 7. 2018.